Solution For Needlestick Injury

Solusi Untuk Needlestick Injury

27 November 2020 Solution For Needlestick Injury Needlestick Injury is an accident with needles or sharp medical objects that is usually experienced by medical personnel while on duty. Needlestick Injury (NSI) is very dangerous because it can transmit disease from...
Mass Vaccine vs Medical Personnel

Vaksin Massal vs Tenaga Medis

03 November 2020 Mass Vaccine vs Medical Personnel The state of Indonesia is struggling to suppress the development of the Covid-19 virus, this effort is continuously carried out by the government so that the government implements several policies such as implementing...
Disbursing Rp350 Billion, Oneject Indonesia Builds Second Factory in Bekasi

Kucurkan Rp350 Miliar, Oneject Indonesia Bangun Pabrik Kedua di Bekasi

07 Oktober 2019 Disbursing Rp350 Billion, Oneject Indonesia Builds Second Factory in Bekasi CIKARANG – PT Oneject Indonesia, a manufacturer of medical devices, has begun to develop the construction of its second factory in Cikarang, Bekasi, with a total investment of...